Android Basics March

March 15 10-3 (Lunch break from 1-2)

Instructor: Catherine Everhart

Fee:  $40 – can be paid in cash or check made out to Social Media 4 Seniors

Have you recently upgraded from a flip phone to an Android smartphone? Or have you had your Android Smartphone for a while and only use it for phone calls? If you have an Android smartphone or tablet and you are ready to learn the ins & outs of it, as well as how to take advantage of its many organizational tools. And the countless number of apps you can add to it for even more fun, register today for this workshop! During the 4 hour Android workshop you will learn the following:

  1. Different Android options
  2. Care and charging
  3. Understanding Settings
  4. Changing Wallpaper
  5. Manage Apps, searching for, organizing, moving, etc…
  6. Using built in apps – contacts, calendar, camera, mail, text
  7. Using Hey Google
  8. Google Play Store, Galaxy store
  9. Finding your Device
  10. Using Email
  11. Troubleshooting
  12. Ways to free up space

** You must bring an Android smartphone or tablet with you to this workshop. This is NOT a workshop for Apple (iPhone/iPad) devices.